Other Roles
Chair of the multi-speciality National Research Collaborative (NRC)
Past British Orthopaedic Trainees Association (BOTA) Academic Representative
Chris is an NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer and SpR in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery on the Royal London Hospital Rotation, having recently being awarded a DPhil from the University of Oxford. He has enthusiasm and experience in collaborative research, leading projects including multi-centre audit, randomised controlled trials and priority setting partnerships (PSP).
When not #Collaborating – you’ll find him climbing the walls or throwing down with the University Mixed Martial Arts club!
Follow Chris on X.
Thromboprophylaxis in Lower limb Immobilisation (TiLLI)
For patient information click belowWhat is the Clinical and Cost-effectiveness of Thromboprophylaxis in Patients with Lower Limb ImmobilisationBackgroundIn the UK, around 70,000 people injure their leg and have to have wear a boot or a cast. These people are at higher...
Priority Setting Partnership in Major Trauma
Priority Setting Partnership in Major TraumaWhat is the Major Trauma Priority Setting Partnership?This James Lind Alliance (JLA) Priority Setting Partnership (PSP) brings together all involved and affected by major trauma to prioritise the top 10 research...
The Open-Fracture Patient Evaluation Nationwide (OPEN) study: the management of open fracture care in the UK.
Winstanley RJH, Hadfield JN, Walker R, Bretherton CP, Ashwood N, Allison K, Trompeter A, Eardley WGP.
The Fragility Fracture Postoperative Mobilisation multicentre audit: the reality of weightbearing practices following operations for lower limb fragility fractures.
Richardson C, Bretherton CP, Raza M, Zargaran A, Eardley WGP.
Research priorities for the management of complex fractures: a UK priority setting partnership with the James Lind Alliance.
Bretherton CP, Claireaux HA, Gower J, Martin S, Thornhill A, Johnson L, Silvester L, Kearney RS, Baxter M, Dixon P, Giblin V, Griffin XL, Eardley W.
Protocol for the Weight-bearing in Ankle Fractures (WAX) trial: a multicentre prospective non-inferiority trial of early versus delayed weight-bearing after operatively managed ankle fracture.
Bretherton CP, Claireaux HA, Achten J, Athwal A, Dutton SJ, Peckham N, Petrou S, Kearney RS, Appelbe D, Griffin XL.
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