Orthopaedic trauma care at barts health
The Royal London hospital is the busiest Major Trauma Centre in London and home of London’s Air Ambulance. The helipad is located on top of the 17th floor of the hospital, 280 feet above the streets of London. Patients who are brought to The Royal London by air ambulance are taken straight to the specialist area in the emergency department via a dedicated lift.
We have 22 Consultants from across Barts Health delivering the Orthopaedic Major Trauma service, with subspecialty expertise in all fields. We receive over 700 severely injured patients (ISS>15) in a typical year. We work collaboratively with Plastic Surgeons and Vascular Trauma Surgeons to deliver the best care for patients requiring emergency and complex orthopaedic trauma surgery. Our state-of-the-art multidisciplinary team approach drives constant improvement through audit and service development.
What do we treat?
We treat all fractures including the upper limb, lower limb, pelvis, acetabulum, other bones and joints, isolated fractures/dislocations, and polytrauma.
We carry out combined procedures across subspecialties regularly including rib fracture fixation, spinopelvic surgery, limb reconstruction and revision arthroplasty techniques after traumatic injury. We are driving an evolution of orthopaedic trauma services across the Trust with Whipps Cross University Hospital developing as a fragility fracture centre and matching ambulatory trauma patients to skilled surgeons.
We continue to bring in contemporary technologies including navigation, robotic surgery, 3D-printed modelling and live surgery videoconferencing.
Our international fellowship programme includes the visiting AO Trauma fellowship, pelvic and acetabular trauma with complex arthroplasty, major trauma, limb reconstruction, paediatrics, upper limb and foot and ankle specialties.
Orthopaedic trauma research continues to grow, with a number of successful national grant applications from within the department. In 2020, we were the leading recruiting centre for trauma clinical research trials.