Mapping the FFN international collaboration of hip fracture registries to the OMOP data model


The EHDEN public private project was set up under the framework of IMI2, with twenty-two partners, including academia, SMEs, patient associations, regulatory authorities and pharmaceutical companies,  led by Erasmus Medical Centre, The Netherlands, and Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V., Belgium. The mission of EHDEN is to provide a new paradigm for the discovery and analysis of health data in Europe, by building a large-scale, federated network of data sources standardised to a common data model. EHDEN will build on prior projects, such as EMIF and EHR4CR, in scaling their original intents and technologies.

Hip Fracture Audit Special Interest Group (SIG) of the global Fragility Fracture Network has been working closely with Bone and Joint Health on developing this project. The aim of the SIG is to bring together a global network of people experienced and passionate about hip fracture audit, adopting a minimum common dataset which closely aligns with the mission and values of EHDEN.


Bone and Joint Health has worked closely with the Hip Fracture Audit Special Interest Group (SIG) of the global Fragility Fracture Network to coordinate an EHDEN funded project to map many of the international registries into the OMOP Common Data model.

Nine separate data partners with data from 1.5 million unique individuals with hip fracture from 16 different countries are coming together to revolutionise the size, scope and capability of the research we can do together in hip fracture.

A summary of national Hip Fracture audits indicates that there are approximately 200 data items collected across each of the audits. There is significant variance in the collection of data items across the multiple sources, with 32 being recorded within 50% or more of the sources. Further to this a minimum dataset has been proposed by the Hip Fracture Audit SIG comprising of 24 data items.

We will use this opportunity to join together in a data federation that will facilitate future joint working amongst members of the SIG but also future collaborators who have questions relevant to people with hip fracture.


Aims & Objectives

This project aims to produce nine separate extraction, transform, load (ETLs) that transform each individual source data consistently into the OMOP common data model within nine standalone target databases.

Data Sources

Sweden: National Quality Registry of hip fracture surgeries (Rikshöft)

Norway: The Norwegian Epidemiologic Osteoporosis Studies (NOREPOS) hip fracture database (NORHip)

Denmark: Danish Multidisciplinary Hip Fracture Registry (DMHFR)

England, Wales, Northern Ireland: National Hip Fracture Database (NHFD)

Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg: Alters Trauma Register Deutschen Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie (ATR-DGU)

Republic of Ireland: Irish Hip Fracture Database (IHFD)

Spain: Registro Nacional de Fracturas de Cadera (RNFC)

Australia and New Zealand: Australian and New Zealand Hip Fracture Registry (ANZHFR)

Canada: Alberta Bone and Joint Health Data Repository

funded by

Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam



Germany, Christine Hoefer

Denmark, Alma Pedersen

Ireland, Louise Brent

Spain, Cristina Ojeda Thies

Sweden, Cecilia Rogmark

Australia & New Zealand, Jacqueline Close

Canada, Lauren Beaupre

Norway, Haakon Meyer


If you would like to find out more about opportunities to drive our research, please email us.